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- TUTOR DOC v1.1
- project by Jeff Petermann (PLINK ID Hemonculus)
- 151 Bunker Hill Rd
- Fayetteville NC 28314
- If you have any comments, please feel free to address them to me via
- either of the above methods.
- Our user group has quite a few members that are either new to the Amiga
- or to computers in general. My purpose was to suppliment the various texts
- available with an interactive environment where one could do a bit of
- experimentation and become more familiar with using the CLI.
- During my early learning phase, I tended to find the manuals I had to be
- somewhat cryptic, but I was pretty computer illiterate. Perhaps this will
- help to clear up a few minor points.
- I did not intend for this to be taken as gospel or to replace a definitive
- work on the subject and in cases where the user finds discrepincies between
- his manual and these tutorials, he/she would probably be well advised to go
- with the manual. After all, the authors of those manuals got paid to have
- the right answers.
- I have proofread these texts until I'm blurry-eyed and have imposed them
- on others in the group for smoke-testing. I hope we've gotten ALL the typos
- and ambiguous sections under control.
- Although there are more books on the subject, "The AmigaDOS Manual, 2d Ed"
- copyright 1987, Bantam Books has been my standard "bible". In areas that I
- have been purposefully brief, a much more complete description of the
- command and it's doings can be found therein. And where I have placed this
- work in the public domain, this in no way negates their copyrights.
- Included in this package are the utilities 'Projector' and 'Reader'. The
- Projector is made available from the Right Answers Group and is for use in
- viewing films generated with the Director. Reader was written by Ken Grocke
- and is by far the best text reading program that this humble fellow has
- seen. I obtained it from a BBS in the Atlanta, GA area with no supporting
- documentation. It's incredibly easy to use and versatile and doesn't really
- require instructions, but I can only hope that by having included it in this
- package, I'm not incurring the wrath of the author. Please DO NOT include
- it in any commercial work without HIS written consent!
- Also included as the 'Projector' utility from the 'Director' by the
- Right Answers Group. It is freely distributable and is used for viewing the
- '.film' files produced.
- Please do not upload this arc or any part thereof to a BBS that will
- claim ownership of it once placed in their hands.
- Until/unless I hear differently, you are encouraged to make this
- tutorial available to anyone you think might be able to use it. This
- distribution must be done free of charge. The only stipulation being that
- it be distributed intact and unchanged.
- The Tutor only covers commands upto 1.2. I intend to do another file
- that will cover the 1.3 commands once 1.3 is released. It will not include
- any of these files, assuming that it will be used as a support file only.
- And lastly, the included batchfile will install everything for you. But
- it WILL make drastic changes to the disk that it's installed on. These
- changes are primarily to make room for the text files and sundry things
- required (throwing away all the non-generic printer drivers, the clock,
- demos(dir), etc). This won't ruin the disk, but it does qualify as a
- drastic change. It was meant to be used with a 1.2 Workbench (Don't know
- about 1.1 and I don't care and 1.3 isn't out yet). Whatever else you do,
- No one that has used Tutor has reported any crashes, gurus, or
- the suchlike. I can't imagine any, but should you find something (?!?!),
- please let me know so it can be remedied. But even so, you'll be using it
- at your own risk.
- It has occurred to me that anyone who can download this file, unarc it,
- and follow these instructions...probably doesn't need it. But if you're
- setting this up for a friend or other members of your group...
- I tried to make this as painless as possible. Here's what you do:
- (the easiest way is to use an external drive, but if you only have one..)
- 2. Rename the copy "Tutor", if you forget the batchfile will do it for you.
- If you rely on the batchfile to do your renaming, just cancel the
- requestor that asks you to insert "Tutor" in any drive.
- The batchfile will ask for the drive number if it can't find "Tutor:".
- The limitations are: enter the NUMBER ONLY
- (ie: just 1 NOT df1) and if you have more externals than df2:,
- df2: is as high as I set it up to do.
- 3. Copy the Tutor.arc file to ram:, cd to ram:, and unarc it
- (this shouldn't be a problem for the 512k's out there, but to be
- honest, I don't know about 256k's, but I doubt it?!?)
- 4. Reboot using your copy [single drive] or you can leave it in an
- external drive. If you elect to reboot, copy the files from ram: to a
- disk BEFORE you do, they won't wait there for you.
- 5. If the files aren't still in ram: (you rebooted), put them there and
- CD back to ram:.
- 6. Execute the batchfile "[ram:]Tutor_x.me"
- 7. Wait for the gronking to stop (ya, I've got a 1000, but I love it)
- 8. Reboot using Tutor:
- (suggestion: If you're one of the lucky ones that has a hard drive, don't
- bother putting this on it, you'll just be taking up space that could be
- used for something with a longer shelf life. Frankly, if you still need
- this after a few weeks you either didn't pay any attention or haven't been
- playing around enough...and it's most certainly the later!)
- The batchfile will look for a VD0:c or a RAM:c, but if they're not
- found, it will create a small 'C' directory in RAM to speed things up. This
- directory will be removed upon completion. I opted NOT to clean up the rest
- of the files from RAM.
- That's all there is to it. Should you have any trouble getting it to
- install, send me a COPY of a 1.2 WB (please no originals, 1.1's, or beta 1.3's)
- and I'll install it and send it back. I would appreciate the 50 cents return
- postage. This is necessary since I can't distribute a complete WB without
- C-A's permission.
- Once again, you're comments are welcome! Best of luck.
- Jeff
- Improvements:
- v1.1:
- Included the system-configuration file I forgot in the first release.
- Without it, it wouldn't work. And to any one who might wonder how safe it
- is to download things from PLINK, I can only say that Harv there looks at
- the stuff and HE brought my ignorence to my attention. Thanks HARV!